Created by the Ministerial Agreement 3852-2017, coordinated by the General Directorate of Non-Formal Education, DIGEEX, aimed to provide educational opportunities within the framework of permanent education, it works through a virtual platform providing distance education, online and also self-learning modules focused on the population that has not had access to school education, or who have not completed their training process, or to those who, having had it, wish to further their education. It is available for people living in Guatemala or abroad.


  • Aim to contribute to Non-Formal Education Subsystem coverage improvement, through blended and distance modalities, prioritizing virtual educational delivery or by any other technological means, for programs at the primary and secondary School level and technical education with a territorial approach, to meet the country's demand and the people´s specific needs.
  • Facilitate processes which allow the accreditation and certification of studies carried out abroad and/or work skills acquired through formal means or work experience, for the benefit of the general population with a special focus on the migrant or returnee population.

Program Characteristics

  • Distance mode with virtual educational delivery or printed material.
  • All learning programs do not follow a specific calendar.
  • The student progresses at his own pace.
  • Virtually carry out diagnostic assessments and evaluations for those who graduate from high school.
  • Sufficiency assessment that validates and certifies lifelong knowledge acquisition.
  • Use of the Non-Formal Education Information and Records System -SIREEX- to issue study certificates, at any time of the year, under the provisions of PRONEA's timetable.
  • Updating knowledge of serving staff and the general public through virtual courses.
  • Attention of fellow citizens and migrants living in the United States.
  • Attention to young people in conflict with the law.
  • Implementation of the national Competency Certification System, SCC that recognizes knowledge, skills, and competencies acquired throughout working life.

Educational supply

  • Primary School: For people aged 13 and over.
  • Middle School: For people aged 15 and over.
  • High School: For people aged 17 and over.
  • Proficiency Examination: For people aged 18 and over who do not have school certificates.

Proficiency Examination

It is an opportunity provided by the Ministry of Education, through the National Alternative Education Program, PRONEA, to carry out an assessment process intended to certify a level or cycle of education.

It is aimed at:

  • People who have never studied, who consider having the skills and knowledge based on their life experience.
  • Legal age persons who for any reason do not have any document attesting to their studies at any school grade.
  • Interested individuals can request a syllabus for a review, before taking proficiency examinations.

Virtual courses

Within the framework of permanent education, PRONEA provides the young and adult population free virtual courses that allow them to learn or increase computer skills, these courses are subject to the provisions of higher authorities.